We're home from our Christmas trip and Christmas 08 already seems a thing of the past. We had a nice time visiting with my hubby's family for Christmas eve and day but I missed being home and seeing Kristen wake up on Christmas morning and watching her coming down the stairs to see if Santa had been (we stayed in a hotel for both nights!). We did get a white Christmas which was kinda fun, but I'm glad to be home.

So as a new year approaches I find myself already planning what I want to knit in 2009. Yes! despite the fact I still have things on the needle that I started in January 08! I just can't help myself :-) Although I have to say it bothers me a little that I do still have wips from the beginning of this year, so I want to make a concerted effort to finish them before I cast on for any other large project. As I said in an earlier post, I want to try and make a resolution to only have two main projects on the needles at one time plus a small project that I can carry around with me (like socks or mittens).
Right now I'm concentrating on finishing Woodland and Soleil. It will feel like a huge achievement when I get both done. And after that I want to find something I can knit with Amanda's lovely lace yarn I won earlier this year.
Isnt' it beautiful. I want to knit a lacy shawl, I just don't know which pattern yet and whether I want a triangle or rectangle shape. And if possible I'd like an easy pattern! Anyone got any recommendations?
What do you have plans to knit in 2009? Or is it too early to ask!
Right now I'm concentrating on finishing Woodland and Soleil. It will feel like a huge achievement when I get both done. And after that I want to find something I can knit with Amanda's lovely lace yarn I won earlier this year.

What do you have plans to knit in 2009? Or is it too early to ask!