Well that's a slight exaggeration, these have been ON the needles for way too long. I actually finished the second mitt a couple of weeks ago but just never got around to casting off! I did that this afternoon and will wrap these for a gift to Kristen's piano teacher.

Despite my 'early' New Year Resolution of only working on two projects at a time (which I haven't really made yet, I just kinda mentioned it), I am feeling the urge to cast on for Cap'n Crunch with the Rio De La Plata I have in my stash! I just found out it's Kristen's teacher's birthday at the end of this month - I thought this might make a nice gift?
I must say it's fun knitting what you want WHEN you want to. Perhaps I should make that my New Year Resolution ;-)
She will love them Denise!
I was wondering how long the resolution would last....about as long as mine I should think! :D
Urmmmm, I didn't make the resolution, I was just thinking about it ;-) LOL.
they are lovely.
and capt crunch is so cute! maybe i could make one. after this darn advent is finished!
What a great gift for a piano teacher - she can wear them while she practices! I love the style of these mitts ~ really elegant lookikng.
Good luck with Cap'n Crunch. I like your new resolution - to knit when you want what you want!
What a beautiful gift. She is sure to love it!
I like the second resolution...knit what you want, when you want it...sounds good to me. Your mitts are lovely. The color is so holiday!
What d'ya mean you don't have a lot of people to knot them for or even knit them for :o) there's lil ol me here in the UK :O)I love a good knot (now why wont my finger hit the 'i')knit ... especially when it's not me knitting it just takes me ages - you obviously take after mam.
Love ya lots lil sis
big sis xxxxxxx
Yes, "WHEN" you want too is key. That's how I am right now. I feel like I have a handful of stuff I 'have to' knit including two hats that I realllllly don't want to but I have to because they are gifts. The whole 'Have to' think makes it feel like a job and that equals no fun!
Good luck to us both!
Love your knitted gift and ornament - bet they loved it!
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