At the risk of boring you to tears with yet more bunny pictures I'd like you to say hello to. . . .
Abigail! And no this is not Charlotte pretending to be Abigail by wearing a different color sweater ;-)

And to prove it here are the new friends together. Aren't they cute?

I swear these little buns get quicker to knit the more you do! It took one night to knit the bunny because I didn't bother stuffing as I went along like I usually do (for the simple reason I'd ran out of stuffing). So when I got more stuffing today all the pieces were ready and within a matter of hours I had another little gift completed.

OK, nuff of the bunny pics, I'm sure you've had your fill already! I think I will give bunnies a rest for a week or so and try my hand at the free Fuzzy Mitten pattern for the lamb. I have in mind to give the bunnies to my niece-lets and the lambs to my little neph-lets (the kids of my nieces and nephews).
Still on the subject of cute stuff, I was surfing Ravelry (as you do!) and came across a group for Shih Tzu owners :-) Yay, that's me, so I just had to join, (they are the cutest dogs ever) hence the reason you see two cute photos in my side bar of our sweet little Boo! Hey
Bobbi, I think Simon and Oscar would want you to join us too ;-)
OK, in my next post there will be no mention of rabbits - I promise!
they are all so sweet! my son loves them.
Little Boo looks so cute. I used to have a Shih Tzu too & she was so good natured.
Gorgeous! I;'ve made the lamb before..its really cute. You are making me want to try out the rabbit pattern now lol
They are all so adorable and I love all the pictures of them - alone and together. They are so sweet I might have to make one for myself for Easter!
wow they are multiplying like, erm, well, rabbits! OK sorry couldn't help myself on that one. They are absolutely adorable. Love them!
Was going to say that these are breeding like the proverbial rabbits but Sam got there first!
They look even cuter as a team!
Er, Oscar would rip the head off the bunny in no time flat. He has a deep seated anger for all stuffed animals, if I try to keep them out of his reach he will sit on the floor and bark at them.
Love the bunnies! They are so cute. I think Autumn with her sweet little dress is my favorite. Great work!
total cuteness has been flying off your needles!!!
They look so happy together!
Wow they're really multiplying like rabbits around here! Hardy har har! :) They're very cute!
wow! all those bunnies look great! : )
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