Congratulations 'Philigry' can you email me with your address so I can mail the goodies to you.
denise@deniseschulz.comThank you to everyone that left a comment. To MissBree, there was only one entry per person, I wrote out all the names of those who wanted to be entered and had Kristen pick one from the basket. . . and to KristieMD, yes you were in time for the drawing but sad to say your name wasn't picked. Thanks for your comment though, hope to visit your blog soon!
I didn't mean to keep you all waiting all day, but today was just one of those crazy days that seem to go all too fast! Hubby left for Denver today (until Thursday) and Kristen has just gone to bed, so I'm off to knit more bunnies and watch the Coco Chanel story that I tivo'd at the weekend.
Congratulations to her! What a great prize!
Congratulations to Philigry! She won a great prize :)
so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have no idea how happy I am! so happy I won. Thanks for such a great give away!
I have been watching the cocoa chanel story too! don't you love it? Great to knit to, although I have to keep stopping because I am so into it!
Thanks again so much!
hey there, it is me again!
I tried to email you my address twice, but it keeps failing.
Here it is:
katie smith
30 elliot lane
bowdoinham, me 04008
thanks again! can't wait.
blast I was after the Gnome pattern!I will have to see if it is anywhere else... Oh well, lucky winner! ;^)
congrats to katie!
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