I decided I'd pop on over to magknits.com this morning because I hadn't been there in a while.... let's face it I have enough projects on the needles already, I really haven't had a need to browse any patterns. I was so shocked and saddened to see a white screen with a long message on it saying they were no longer going to publish free patterns on Magknits!
I've never thought to print out the patterns that I liked from that site. Except for one that is, and it was my favorite too, so I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I had it in my knitting folder. It is the pattern for the Rainy Day Socks. I've knit about 3 pair of these already, and all were gifts so I have none for myself yet. But what about Evangeline? And all the other lovely patterns they had on there? The 'announcement' on Magknits goes on to mention that the copyright for the patterns still belong to the designers and they are at liberty to publish the patterns elsewhere if they so choose - but how will we know where they might publish them? On Ravelry perhaps? I just checked Rainy Day Socks on Ravelry and it still links to the free pattern at Magknits but of course the page no longer loads!
Well, sad news aside. . . Soleil is looking pretty much the same, just a little longer, so I thought I would leave you with a few photos of a little project I have hibernating!

It's the Chicabean Scarf from Kelly Green-Rogue! I started this way back in December, but I'm thinking it will be coming back out of my 'wip' box soon to get finished off.

Bummer! And I just frantically looked for my pattern of the Rainy Day Socks and *sigh of relief* I have it in my folder. :) I think MagKnits is partnering with a print magazine...not sure though. Love the scarf!
I know it! I have Evangeline; I'll email it to you!!!
That is too bad. I've only printed a few from MagKnits, thinking I could always go back later.
Pretty scarf!
the ravelry forum boards went kind of crazy with the news about magknits, but i think a lot of the designers are going to put their patterns up on their blogs or use the free ravelry download. just have to give it some time, i think.
also, some people mentioned using the wayback machine or google caches to find patterns... more info is in the various forum threads.
what a nice scarf! : )
I'm totally shocked about magknits. But maybe I shouldn't be - with Ravelry being such a draw for knitters I imagine advertizing revenue is being spent on that venue instead. I'm sorry to see that, though. Your knits are looking good!
oh, thank goodness i have evangeline. ususally i don't print......and that is SUCH a bummer!!!
i am in love with that scarf!!!
Yes, heard the sad news. I guess we just have to wait & see if the patterns appear somewhere & Ravelry will be a good place to check. Lovely scarf - love the cables.
I hadn't heard that about MagKnits. Of course I just had a few things bookmarked, thinking they'd always be there...
I'm just loving the cables on that scarf!
Don't you just hate that. The Scarf looks really cosy
I love the scarf. I think that's cables, right? Do you knit with a cable needle or can you do it without? I'm thinking of taking a class on how to do it without...
Aha...so I'll not be the only one knitting a scarf in spring!
I'm so bummed about magknits too. I totally missed out on printing out some of the patterns.
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