OK, let's not look at the obvious - the fact that I desperately need a pedicure, but look at the other obvious - the fact that I am not finished the second sock, and yet there is only a tiny little bit of yarn at the end of the needle!!! Yes! let's look at that shall we?

Is that not the most annoying thing? And yes, I can show you the full picture of what I started knitting last week, because these pretty things will no longer be gifted. The pattern said 1 skein of Classic Elite Montera for all sizes! Even the men's large sock said only 1 skein needed. I did the 'girls large' size and I even knit the cuff about 3 inches shorter than the pattern called for - so what is up with that? How can I be so short of yarn? The only reason I'm not as annoyed as I could be with these socks is that they knit up in like 2 days, so I haven't put a ton of time in to them. I plan on frogging them of course and I'll knit up a much smaller pair, probably on smaller needles too, for my daughter!
In the mean time I've ordered some yarn from Webs (my first order from that site, so I can't wait to get it) for . . . . well, more gifts is all I'll say for now.
Today I must crochet the edge of Soleil so I can show off the finished look. And I've pulled out 'Spook' from hibernation (just until the yarn from Webs gets here)!
Oh no!!!! I hate when that happens(and it happens regularly for me lol). I was reading another blog this week (Knits-and-pieces) and she had the exact same thing happen with something else Classic Elite,so maybe there is an issue there xx Hope it wont take too long to redo
How aggrevating!!!!
I am working on a project now with the same problem and I had to order another skein and incur shipping costs to boot :(
BTW, I think your toenails look fab!
OH, that is beyond frustrating! Grrr.
That is so annoying! How could they have got it so wrong!
gaaaahhh!!! You should send them an email about that, whatever company it was. SOoooo annoying!!!
ohhhh yarn from webs, what did you get what did you get?? :)
OH how sad to have to frog them. They sure are beautiful!! What a bummer!
Oh! That's terrible!
I have a great love for toe-up socks just because I fear running out of yarn.
You could get another skein, finish your sock and then knit a pair for your daughter.
Well, that certainly stinks! I'm sure that you'll find a way to turn it all around.
What a pain. Couldn't you get more yarn and then finish them for you and you could also make some for your daughter?
darn...you'll right it I'm sure..in the meantime...WEBS will have you going back for more :)
that really stinks... i second the suggestions about getting another skein, though.
can't wait to see your other projects when you finish up. : )
Oops ! What a pain..
OH! i hate when that happens!!!!
not only that but the feeling while your knitting. wondering if you are going to run out. yep. THAT is really the feeling i hate!
Ugh, how frustrating! Even though I much prefer the construction of top-down socks, this problem is a real benefit of making them bottom up!
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