. . . finally, a yummy - scrumptious - squishy skein of Malabrigo :-) When I found out my LYS didn't stock Malabrigo, I found myself wanting it all the more. I just HAD to have some! Isn't Ravelry great? There were lots of lovely ladies on there that had some in their stash and were willing to trade or sell. As I have nothing worth trading (imho) I simply bought a skein, and it arrived yesterday. And it is as soft as everyone says it is. Hmmm? What now shall I knit with it, and more importantly who shall I knit it for? Would it be selfish to say "me"?

Also in my possession are two great holiday magazines. . .

I couldn't wait to get my hands on the IK Holiday Gifts mag after seeing it on someone's blog last week, but when I went to the book store it wasn't on the shelf yet. I did find the Vogue Knitting mag there so I got that instead. And I had a nice surprise the next day when I was in my grocery store.... lo and behold, there was the IK mag sitting on their shelves :-)
This was the reason I wanted the IK mag (and what I'd seen on the other blog). . . . I love the style of these slippers and so want to knit them (again for me!)

Then I saw this, and fell in love with it (reminds me of that lovely
big afghan Leslie knit last year). I would love to knit this and snuggle up with Kristen on the sofa over the holidays (perhaps not this year, but I can dream).

Love these too. . . .

and these. . . .

Love everything about this page (this is from the Vogue mag) . . . .

Oh, and recognize the gift tags below (bottom right of the picture)?

Jill :-) And not only in Vogue, but here's the Top 10 Picks from IK holiday mag too. . . .

I would think these two features are going to keep you rather busy over the next few months Jill ;-)
Sorry for the photo-intense post, but it is fun to share the things you love ;-)