Hetty wants to know 5 things I am addicted to and then I should pass the award on to 5 other blogs! Right now I'm seriously only addicted to one thing, and that's knitting, but I'll try to make a list of 5:
1. Knitting! There's not a day goes by that I don't pick up the needles.
2. Knitting Magazines - seriously! I can't stop buying them, even when I know I will probably never knit anything from a certain issue, I'll buy it anyway!
3. American Idol - I can't deny it, I love everything about this show and never miss it. AND... I really like Simon Cowell!
4. My computer! and all the things on it like Facebook, Plurk, IM... I'd feel totally lost without it.
5. and last but certainly not least .... RAVELRY! of course. To be honest, I don't think I'd be as addicted to knitting if it wasn't for Rav ;-)
I can't pick just 5 blogs to pass this on to! I think ALL of the blogs I read are just fabulous :-)
and look who's coming along nicely.....
...she may well be off the needles in the next couple of days!
ohhhh your tank looks wonderful, i can't wait to see it on!!!
Its so nice when people want to use your pics, sure does make ya feel good :)
The tank does look beautiful. What a lovely color your using too. I have had a few requests to use my patterns on ravelry too and it is a nice feeling to know that someone else loves your knitting too.
Wow that's looking lovely. And progressing quickly.
That is so lovely!
Congrats on the award! It is so deserved!!!
how are you managing to peel that tank of that fast!?
Denise, it feels like an absolute age since I was on. Today I'm just basically catching up on reading other blogs. Had the baby so life will never be the same again. :) Congratulations on your 15mins, I adore Ravelry as well but as I only discovered it recently have had to put it on the back burner for a wee bit, even my knitting gets to second place as our new addition takes precedence.
I adore your tank top it's turning out wonderful and you are flying with those gloves. Made me smile though that with one set of needles your knitting winter warmers and the other set a cool knit. Brilliant! :)
Congratulations! I'll be one of the ones saying, yeah, I knew her before she was famous!
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