Yes, I have something new on the needles (all 5 of them!) and I have managed to take a picture before the object is actually finished (which isn't hard to do because I find socks so s-l-o-w to knit). BUT.... I am determined to knit myself a nice pair of socks. The pair I had started I actually think are going to be a bit too small, and also knitting with size 0 needles was just killing me (not to mentioned the repetative knit3 purl2 pattern). I've seen these 'Monkey' socks from on lots of blogs and love the pattern on them. So that's what I cast on.

I made a start on this just over a week ago so I'm not doing too bad. I would be knitting these all day if I could, but I have also cast on for a felt purse for a friend that has to be finished by Oct 25th. So, right now I'm alternating between the socks and the purse, and I'm also patiently awaiting my copy of Itty Bitty Nursery that I pre-ordered (never again) from Amazon a few weeks ago. At least they've finally shipped it, but the est. delivery date is not until Oct 12th!

So, that's what's on the needles right now. Not the best of pictures (it's hard taking photos of your own feet!) but.....