Jaden! What happened to you? Something went wrong and I don't know at what point! I am totally disappointed with Jaden :-( The only reason you're seeing a picture of it is so I can hide her away somewhere where I don't have to think about what to do!
First of all, she's too big! And I don't know why because I did a size 34 and I'm about a 35 1/2 and I got gauge so I thought it would fit nicely across my bust.... but it doesn't. Second the neck line is WAY too low. I've tried instead of crochet (because I just can't get the crab stitch to look nice) to pick up stitches and knit around the neckline hoping it would 'draw it in' a little but it pulled in too much so I had to rip that part. I tried again with the crochet and in this picture I've done 3 rows of single crochet - it's still too big around the neck. And lastly, although I do like the short sleeves and how I did the pattern along the edge, I don't like how the sleeves are set in. It's like I need shoulder pads to fill the shoulders out, which of course would look ridiculous.
First of all, she's too big! And I don't know why because I did a size 34 and I'm about a 35 1/2 and I got gauge so I thought it would fit nicely across my bust.... but it doesn't. Second the neck line is WAY too low. I've tried instead of crochet (because I just can't get the crab stitch to look nice) to pick up stitches and knit around the neckline hoping it would 'draw it in' a little but it pulled in too much so I had to rip that part. I tried again with the crochet and in this picture I've done 3 rows of single crochet - it's still too big around the neck. And lastly, although I do like the short sleeves and how I did the pattern along the edge, I don't like how the sleeves are set in. It's like I need shoulder pads to fill the shoulders out, which of course would look ridiculous.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. C'est la vie. And of course there's too much other fun knitting to get on with for me to be upset over it for too long ;-)
I cast on for a little baby vest last night. It's for a shower I'll be going to on June 14th. And I bought yarn to make Kristen a little sleeveless top. All that to come later. . . . .
aw, denise, i know all to well how you are feeling.
took me several months to actually frog the pieces of my fitted textured sweater. (i hadn't yet pieced it, like you did! yikes!!)
your technique looks great, though!
The picture is deceiving because it looks great. I'm sorry about all the hassels but you made all the attempts at correction that I would have made. Maybe since the bottom lace is so pretty and all you need is the top part - start from under the arms and just do a basic tank style instead of trying to work with the pattern.
Oh, what a pity. Jaden looks so pretty in pink. I'm sorry that she doesn't fit right.
It takes me a long time to pick up a failed project. I normally need to let the sting fade away.
Oh, that's too bad about Jaden. It looks very pretty, but I can see why you think it is too low cut. If you're not happy with it, you'll never wear it. Onto other things!
What a bummer. I had a thought though. Do you have any extra yarn. Could you knit a little pane in the lace pattern and then sew it into the cleavage part? Just wondering.
Girl I am so sorry about Jaden. That is just terrible, and terribly frustrating. It's amazing sometimes how you can put so much into a knit that when it doesn't go right you just sort of go numb. After the crying and wailing of course... :-(
Hang in there! :-)
oh man! That is so sad!
ACK! I am so sorry it did not work. so frustrating. sometimes time away is the best thing. I can not wait to see what you will be making next! Jaden does still look beautiful. i love the color.
oh denise!
i am SO sorry.
i LOVE tiennies idea. about the lace across the front.
would that work.
i do have to say, it looks STUNNING on the hanger!
Oh you make me feel so much better about my failures. So sorry about yours. I sometimes have to simply walk away from a problem, sometimes days, sometimes weeks before I can find the spark? interest to get back to it.
As for the neckline, how about half doubles around two or three times. That might look nice.
That stinks. Especially when you know you've got gauge. Makes me made just thinking about it because it sure has happened to me before too.
I think it's a good idea to just put it away for a bit. Maybe you'll get a second wind with it and try to rework it. Or at least maybe salvage the yarn.
Hi stranger, thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad you did!
That is a lovely shirt. I am so sorry that you have to frog it. Nothing worse than taking apart hours of work. I have done the same but not easily.
I crochet and just started sewing a few months ago. I am practicing my knitting, though I am not very good. I have a crafty blog too. Stop by if you get a minute!
oh no! that stinks! you sound a lot more resigned to your fate than i think i would in your situation; i hate frogging! good luck with it...
What a total bummer. All that promise, thank goodness so much of the joy is in the knitting and not all in the wearing. It looks pretty but I can see that maybe the neck would be a bit low.
Onwards to the next project.
Oh, that's too bad. It's always easier to frog after it sits for a bit though:)
Awww well it looks great! It's such a disappointment when things don't turn out the way you hoped. You're smart for putting it away for a while. Out of sight, out of mind.
I just started working on a ribbed tank for myself. It's my first piece of actual clothing that I've ever tried. I'm a wee bit nervous. But the pattern looks easy enough (I mean, it's just ribbing).
Happy knitting!
Oh that really is sad-she's so pretty hanging there. I think you did a great job, nonetheless!!
Oh man - so sorry to hear that!
oh that's a shame. It's always so disappointing when projects down't turn out how you envision them to.
It does look pretty. I wonder if there's something that can be done to make it fit you better?
PS - I've tagged you for a meme that's on my blog, if you want to play?
oh, do i know your pain. it's because of this pain that i knit top-down only. the last top i made fits OK up top but is too long - and it was knit from the bottom up so it was hard to tell how it was going to fit. boo.
but you certainly have a great attitude about the whole thing!
thanks for dropping by my blog and your kind words about the sweater :)
What a shame - it does look nice on the hanger. This has happened before & I just give the FO to someone who can fit it in. Take this as an experience.
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