This past week I've been knocked down with allergies, really BAD allergies,
Cedar Fever to be exact!!! I've had a sore throat, itchy ears, headaches, no energy, stuffy nose, and now the pressure in my head is so bad I can hardly hear :-( I haven't been to the gym in over a week (again) and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself. I finally called my
ENT Dr this morning, can't get an appointment to see him until Friday! but thankfully he called in a prescription for antibiotics and steroids to help me until then.
Suffice to say, feeling so 'out of sorts' this week, I've been having a lot of down time. Wanna know what I've discovered? Knitting Podcasts!!! VIDEO knitting podcasts to be exact (cos I need the visual). I'm sure I'm way behind the times and you've probably all been listening (or watching) podcasts for years, but I've never really bothered - until now. I have an Ipad an I like sitting on the sofa knitting and watching the podcast while I knit. It's like having a friend there chatting to me, about the one thing I'm passionate about.
So, it's 2012, and it's time to knit for me. And guess what?, I don't know what to knit! Well that's not really true, right now I have Wray and Dahlia on the needles that I cast on last year.
This is as far as I've gotten with Wray, I just divided for the armholes. The ribbing is slow going, but I just love this Lily Kate design and can't wait to wear it!
My Dahlia cardigan is a bit further along than even this photo shows. I've actually picked up one sleeve and am nearly finished it, I've just started the pattern at the cuff. I have vowed not to start any large projects until both of these items are off my needles - please hold me accountable! I am allowing myself one small item along with these two larger ones. The only problem is I don't have much in my stash and therefore I don't know what that small item should be.
Tonight I decided to cast on for a simple pair of socks. I haven't taken pictures today so that will be something I'll share next time. I hope to blog a lot more often on here this year AND visit my knitting friends blogs much more too. I also would like to treat myself to some NICE yarn (read 'not acrylic', and not from Hobby Lobby or Michael's!) but I'd rather I buy it when I know what project I have in mind for it.
A couple of other goals I have for this year (cos I don't call them resolutions, we all know they just get broken!) is to 1) organize my 'stash', the little that I do have, and 2) try and knit a pair of 'toe-up' socks! I seriously have never tried this, and I've been told it's much easier to do and helps the sock fit a lot better too! Is that true? Do you knit 'toe-up'? What do you think?
Well anyway, that's what I'm up to here. Off to read some blogs now. If you pop in to read me, please say hi, I love your comments and will always return the visit.