While I was away in England,
Amanda bestowed a 'Brilliant Weblog' award on me :-) Thank you Amanda, this is my first 'award' in the knitting community!

Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog; and
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
There are so many lovely blogs out there that I enjoy reading, here's just a few that I've really felt drawn to over the past few months. . .
Joli House - just cos she's already got the award, doesn't mean I can't nominate her ;-) A fellow Brit and a great knitter (with a beautiful daughter that shares her passion - something I'm rather envious of) I love seeing what they both have on the needles.
Mr Puffy - I know Claudia's already got this award too but I still want to nominate her. She's made me feel like we're close friends from the very first email I sent - her knitting projects are always so beautiful. . . and Mr Puffy is just too cute.
A Friend To Knit With - another wonderful gal that has made me feel so welcome in the knitting community. Just love to read her posts and see what she's up to be it knitting or sewing.
Susan B. Anderson - sweet Susan, I just love her books (own them both) and can't wait to see what she brings out next. Oh and those giveaways she's been having. . . too generous for words!
Chronic Ennui - I must confess I had to look up the word 'ennui' (
a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom) when I first started reading Kim's blog, I hadn't a clue what it meant! I'm certainly not 'bored' with her lovely knits and cute pics of Maggie :-)
Knitterella - I've always loved the name of Jill's blog :-) Love to see the Itty Bitty Hats she knits, and always wonder what she's going to knit next. And one of these days I'm going to treat myself to her lovely 'knitting' notecards.
Knitted Fresh Daily - I love how Annie adds such lovely borders to her knitting pics. Makes me just want to browse her blog pages for hours, and I'm always eager to see more of what she's knitting.
Tiennie Knits - I know I'm not alone when I say "I just can't wait to see what Tiennie posts next"! Her knitting and her photos are always amazing.
And I could go on and on. . . but I better stop there!