I had good intentions of getting on with something already on the needles once I finished the Lace Bolero, but the more I looked at the plain bolero in the same pattern book the more I just couldn't resist going out and buying yarn for it!

So for the past week I've been knitting the plain bolero in Debbie Bliss Merino DK. I know I said I wanted a nice soft pink bolero but I couldn't find a soft pink shade that I actually liked. So I opted for something a little darker this time. I don't know how I would describe this shade of pink, but the color in the picture (of my yarn) looks pretty close to the true color. The pattern calls for Sirdar Luxury Cotton DK but because I will probably be wearing it mainly in the fall and winter I opted for wool. This is knitting up so fast I may even do another color in the plain pattern next! Oh did I say that out loud? Errmmm, what I mean is, after this I will definitely get on with some of my other wip's - yeah, that's what I meant really!!! ;-)
Also new on the needles is the second 'Soleil' that I started a couple of weeks back. This is Elsbeth Lavold Cotton Patine, again I don't know the color name but I would describe it as 'mauve'.

I'm doing the smallest size in it this time hoping it turns out a better fit than the last one (which still needs to be frogged to the armholes and re-knit, or even frogged completely and use the yarn for something else?).
I was planning on taking Soleil on the plane with me when we leave for England on Friday, but after checking the TSA website again I'm now not so sure about taking it in my hand luggage. The site does say that knitting needles are allowed but then it goes on to suggest you take bamboo or plastic and not metal, and that if security thinks your needles can be used as a weapon they may still confiscate them! I don't think I want to take the chance of them taking my Knit Picks, I know I can always buy the ends again if they did but I just don't want to risk it. I think I'll just plan on reading my knitting mags and listening to my Ipod!
So, if I don't get to post again this week it's because I'm busy packing for our trip on Friday. Some of you may not know but I'm originally from England (I married a USAF guy and left the UK about 10 years ago when I was 34). Prices of airfares stop me from getting home as often as I would like. The last time I was there was 3 years ago for my mom's 80th birthday. I didn't take my daughter and husband at the time because of the air fares. But this time we're all going and staying for 2 lovely long weeks :-)
It will nearly be time for my '100th post giveaway' when I get back - perhaps I can find some yarny goodness to bring back with me to give away ;-)